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About Me


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I've had a lot of weird years in my life, but 2020 was definitely an unexpected one. When the pandemic began in March of 2020 I was laid off and started my SAHM journey. I sure loved being able to be home with my babe, but it wasn't all of the rainbows and butterflies I had dreamed of. I needed something else, I needed a creative outlet, I wanted to contribute financially to my family, but ... how?!


My unemployment was ending, no available jobs felt right, I was pregnant, and had a toddler at home. The creative wheels started turning, but nothing was sticking. I was browsing IG one night and saw someone creating a 'grazing box' on their story. I thought, "hmmm ... I could make those. I could do that from home! Maybe I should do that." I told my husband, Josh my plan to make some boxes and was super worried about spending $100+ on supplies when money was so tight, but I had to try. 


I made a few boxes and sent photos to Josh. He responded with, "I'd smash that." and the Smash Box name was born. I figured out pricing, posted photos on Facebook, and to my surprise, those first boxes sold super quickly. My post gained some traction and the requests started coming in.


So, I went for it! It began a full blown (not so legal) business out of my kitchen and am forever grateful for all of the support I received. A year and a half after starting my illegal food business, I made it official. In March of 2022, I started running Ready Set Smash Box, LLC out of a local commercial kitchen and it's been full steam ahead ever since. I look forward to learning, growing, and continuing to provide a service that makes others' day(s) a little easier, brighter, and tastier. 


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